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TONGTONG *** AI Software Engineer

$600 / day


Master of Computing graduate specialised in Data Science from Australian National University, skilled in data mining and machine learning. Currently working as a full-stack developer for 7 months using Java, React, and diverse database systems to implement features for healthcare applications for management and diagnosis. Strong problem-solving abilities and effective teamwork,


3D-CNNARIMAAutoMLAWS (DynamoDBAzure (ContainersAzure filesBart-large-CNNBERTBlob StorageCassandraClusteringCNNConfluenceContinuous Integration/Continuous Deployment Practices (CI/CD).Cosmos DBD3.jsData Lake)Decision TreesDecisionTreesDjangoDockerEC2Fast-APIFlaskGITGPTGPT-3Gradient BoostingHTMLHugging Face TransformersJava (Basic)JavaScript (Basic)JiraK-meansKubernetesLambdaLemmatizationLightGBMLinear RegressionLinearRegressionLinuxLLama2Logistic RegressionLSTMMachine Learning StudioMatplotlibMicrosoft Power BIMISTRALMongoDBMySQLNamed Entity RecognitionNLTKNoSQLNumPyOPEN AI (API)PandasPCAPegasusPlotlyPostgreSQLPROPHETPython (Advanced)PyTorchRandom ForestS3)SageMakerSARIMAScikit-LearnseabornSentiment AnalysisspaCySQLSQL (Intermediate)StemmingSVMTableauTensorFlowTokenizationTopic ModelingWekaWhisperXGBoost
AI ConsultantAI Software DeveloperMachine Learning EngineerNatural Language Processing (NLP) Engineer


2020 - 2022 Master of Computing, specialisation in Data Science at Australian National University
2015 - 2019 Bachelor of Computer Science and Technology at Harbin Institute of Technology


2023 - Present Software Engineer at Orion Health,

– Advanced from intern to full-stack developer demonstrating
adaptability and technical skills.
– Backends development using Java, Maven, Spring.
– Frontends development using JavaScript, TypeScript, React.
– Participated in bug triage and implementing fixes.
– Engaged in feature designs under supervision from a senior
– Extensive unit test coverage using JUNIT4, Jest, Enzyme.
– Proactively communicated with senior engineers and product
owner, leading to thorough documentation and meeting all
solution requirements.
– Contributed to MSSQL and Oracle database migrations.
– Implemented integrations for third-party customer data
using custom transformers and supplementers.
– Participated in acceptance and REST tests using Selenium
and Cucumber as part of product release procedures.

2020 - 2021 Backend Web Developer at Lanhu

– Implemented APls using Python with Flask framework for
feature developments such as customising user platform
– Worked closely with the frontend team for API callbacks.
– Data processing and Database management with MongoDB,
PostgreSQL and Redis.
– Contributed to the feature requirements and design review
meetings for approval system configurations used by
corporate clients nationwide.
– Working closely with product managers, frontend engineers
and testing engineers.