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Saliha ********** AI/ML Researcher
Melbourne $720 / dayExperienced multidisciplinary AI/ML researcher specializing in Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Artificial Intelligence (AI), successfully automating the processing of language data (both text and audio) and modelling of low-resource/minority languages….
AudacityBashData Processing and ManagementData visualisationDeep LearningELANFLExGitHubGoogle CloudIgorLaTeXLexique ProLinuxMathematicaMATLABOverleafPraatPythonR StudioSQLStatistical AnalysisTransformer models -
Yan ** AI/ML Engineer
Sydney $840 / dayAs an algorithm engineer on the brink of receiving a PhD in deep learning and computer vision, brings a robust data-driven approach to problem-solving, complemented by strong engineering and research…
Boosting)Computer VisionCUDADeep learning (CNNDockerGAN)GITMachine learning (SVMNumPyPandasPython (TensorFlowPyTorchScikit-LearnSQL (MySQLSQL Server)SQLiteTransformerXGBoost) -
Alicia **** AI Architect
Sydney $1500 / dayA AI Architect with wealth of experience and expertise focused on delivering value and ROI through technology solutions aligned with business objectives. Her background encompasses IT strategy development, enterprise architecture,…
AWSBeautiful-SoupComputer VisionData TransformationDAXDecision TreesGITlinear regressionsLogistic regressionsMicrosoft Power BINumPyOpenCVPandasPower BIPower QueryPythonSnowFlakeSQL -
Afzal ***** ********* AI Systems Integration Engineer
Melbourne $720 / dayAI Systems Integration Engineer and PhD candidate majoring in Data Science, aiming to pursue a career as a Data Scientist with experience in Natural Language Processing, Predictive Modeling, and Computer…
Active LearningAWSAzureBitbucketCC++ClusteringCNNsD3.jsDatabricksDimensionality ReductionFeature EngineeringGITGradient BoostingJiraMatplotlibMongoDBMySQLNeural NetworksNLPOptimisation TechniquesPCAPlotlyPowerBIPythonPyTorchRandom ForestRegressionsRNNsSQL ServerSVMsTableauTensorFlowTransformers -
Peng ***** AI Architect
Sydney $1200 / dayAI Architect and Data and Modelling Lead with over 10 years of experience in data engineering and modelling, proficient in SQL, SAS, Python, and R. Specialises in developing data-driven solutions…
AWSAzureDeep LearningLLMMachine LearningPower BIPythonPyTorchSQLTableauTensorFlowText Mining -
Amit ***** Deep Learning Engineer
Sydney $1200 / dayDeep Learning Engineer and highly experienced Data Scientist with over 15 years in consulting and technical environments, including 12+ years focused on machine learning, deep learning, and machine learning operations….
Advanced MS ExcelArtificial IntelligenceAWSBashBig DataCloud Technologies (AzureData visualisationDatabase ManagementDatabricks).DockerELTETLGephiHadoopKerasKubernetesMachine LearningMLOpsNoSQLPivot TablesPower BIPythonPyTorchRRDBMSseabornSparkSQLTensorFlow -
Sattar ********** AI Research Scientist
Melbourne $1080 / dayAs an experienced AI Research Scientist, brings a wealth of expertise across diverse sectors, including insurance, health, finance, cybersecurity, and energy. Career includes roles as a qualified Lecturer and Course…
AWS EC2Azure MLC++ConfluenceDatabricksDockerGITH2O.AIJiraKerasKubernetes serviceMATLABMicrosoft Power BIMS-SQLPySparkPythonPyTorchR MarkdownR ShinyS3SageMakerSASSkLearnSnowFlakeSQLTensorFlowTransformers -
Ruban ****** AI Consultant
Canberra $540 / dayPassionate and detail-oriented AI Consultant with 2 years of professional experience in designing, deploying, and optimizing AI and cloud solutions. Certified in AWS, Azure, and HashiCorp Terraform, with a comprehensive…
AnsibleAWSAWS BedrockAWS SageMakerAzureAzure AI servicesAzure MLC++CDNCI/CDCloudFormationDockerGITGoIAMJavaJavaScriptJenkinsKubernetesLoad BalancersNoSQL databasesPythonPyTorchRScikit-Learnsecurity best practicesSQLTensorFlowTerraformTypeScriptVPCs -
Manodeep ***** AI/ML Researcher
Melbourne $1200 / dayAI/ML Researcher specialized in developing cutting-edge software solutions that unlock insights from massive datasets. With a background as a Senior Research Software Scientist at Swinburne University, led the development of…
ARM NEON)AVXAVX2AVX512FC AlgorithmsCode OptimizationDevOpsDistributed SystemsHPCMPIOpenCLOpenMPPythonSIMD Intrinsics (SSE4Software DevelopmentUI/UX -
Bin **** AI Research Scientist
Adelaide $600 / dayA highly skilled AI Research Scientist professional with extensive experience and expertise across machine learning, deep reinforcement learning, and AI algorithm development. With a solid academic background including a PhD…
Apache ThriftC++Cloud Computing Platform (Similar to AWS)Deep Reinforcement LearningETLHadoop (Map Reduce)JavaLinux OSLog4jMachine LearningMatplotlib)PHPPython (PyTorchRedisseabornSQLVersion Control (Git/SVN)